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Astrological Sun Wallpaper

author: Catalina    id: 4215
Dimensions: 43x36in
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Astrological Sun Wallpaper
Select product parameters:
Self-adhesive Non-woven Vinyl
Self-adhesive Vinyl Smooth
Self-adhesive Vinyl Smooth Self-adhesive Vinyl Strong Glue Self-adhesive Canvas Self-adhesive Linen
Non-woven 150g
Non-woven 150g Non-woven 265g Non-woven textured Wood Non-woven textured Mozaik Non-woven textured Linen
Textured Vinyl Sand
Textured Vinyl Sand Textured Vinyl Dust Textured Vinyl Concrete
Gross price:
Net price: 0.00
Regular price: 0.00
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Your order will be shipped: 2025-02-13

Glamour Wallpaper - Extravagance and Luxury

Glam wallpaper is a luxury that can be recognized by specific patterns that mimic grandeur, beauty, and extravagance depending on the type. Undoubtedly, at the top of the popularity scale are patterns such as baroque, art deco, modern, geometry, and 3D. Sometimes, a touch of luxury is enough to depict the lifestyle and philosophy of this genre. Glamour emphasizes individual definitions of luxury through direct and indirect features. Luxury can be rich, refined, magnificent, or completely minimalist.

Astrological Sun Wallpaper Made to Measure - Luxury Patterns for Every Budget!

Gilded finishes definitely add glamour wallpapers a specific character, from refined to overwhelming. Whether in private rooms or exclusive hotels and restaurants, luxury wallpapers always create a unique atmosphere of high quality. Very unique colors are identified with the concept of luxury. Besides the obvious shades of gold and silver, colors such as blue, red, black, gray, and green are often applied for glamour-style wallpapers.
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Try it, and order Sample of Walllpaper

If you want to see the quality of our print or material, or just want to compare and match with the color of the paint or decorations, feel free to order a sample of our wallpaper. Just click Order Sample button and proceed to checkout!

Why it's worth to order sample?

  • You will receive not one, but two samples of the pattern and material you've chosen with different pattern densities
  • We'll send you additional bulk of samples printed with different patterns on all of our materials
  • You will receive a discount code that will compensate you cost of this samples.

Our Materials

Because each wallpaper is made to order, you can choose not only the size of the pattern but also the material. Choose one of the many available wallpaper materials. Full characteristics and macro photos can be found on the Our Materials website.


Wondering what is laminate? This is a special layer that makes your wallpaper even more durable. We will put this at the end of production when your wallpaper is printed. This layer protects the print against water, splashes, scratches and what's most important will protect print against UV. Because of that, your wallpaper will stay on your wall for many years. If you're going to install your wallpaper in the bathroom, kitchen, commercial spaces like reception or restaurant lobby or just in kids' room - this is the best choice!